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Symphony of the cells

Practised for over 3,000 years, body massage promotes relaxation and healing within the body.

It can come in many forms depending on what it aims to target, from foot massages to full-body massage, and it is a tried and tested method of self-pampering that comes with a variety of wellness benefits.


Based on the principle that areas of the body are connected to reflex points or zones in our feet, head and hands, the ancient Chinese practice of reflexology aims to restore health and boost wellbeing by balancing bodily energy and promoting healing.


Aromatherapy heals and balances the body and mind through the use of essential oils. Oils are extracted from plants via distillation, a process that captures the plant’s smell and flavour – its ‘essence’. Essential oils have unique scents (hence aromatherapy) and properties that can affect the brain and body in certain ways when inhaled or applied topically.

Holistic Therapies

 ‘Holistic’ originates from the Greek root ‘holos’, which translates as ‘whole’. Therefore, ‘holistic therapy’ is an umbrella term for any healthcare therapies and practices that treat the entire body and the whole person, rather than curing ailments in isolation as modern medicine does.

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